Revolutionizing vaginal health.

Easy, fast and accesible vaginal infection tests

Selva provides accessible, rapid vaginal infection testing for women in Latin America. With our innovative solution that enables women to differentiate between fungal and bacterial infections from home, Selva empowers women with accurate test results, guiding appropriate medication choices for better health.

two woman sitting on bed inside room
two woman sitting on bed inside room

Current healthcare landscape

The problem

Vaginal infections are a pressing issue that is not enough talked about.

Navigating the healthcare system in many emerging countries can be a real maze, especially for women seeking proper care. Imagine waiting for a gynecologist appointment for not just weeks, but sometimes months – it's frustratingly common. No one should have to endure that while waiting endlessly. So what do many of us do? We resort to self-diagnosis and self-medication, crossing our fingers for a quick fix. Because of this, misdiagnoses happen, and they can kill the natural flora and worsen the infection. Some opt to do nothing at all, which only opens the door to more problems like STDs and further infection spread.

What we do at

We offer a 2-in-1 colorimetric test that assesses for vaginal pH and presence of biogenic amines (metabolic byproduct characteristic of the bacteria that cause infections). By detecting pH variations and leveraging the function DAO and peroxidase enzymes, our test distinguishes between bacterial and fungal infections, enhancing its predictive accuracy. This innovative approach guides women towards appropriate medication with an increased positive predictive value, setting our product apart from others.

Three out of four women encounter a yeast infection at some point in their lives, with two out of four experiencing recurrence. On top of that, there are bacterial infections as well, affecting one out of four women each year. The challenge is discriminating between these two types of infections in order to know what kind of medication to use.

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