Frequently asked questions

Are there any natural remedies or home treatments for vaginal infections?

Adding vegetables, grains, rice, and wheat to your diet supports overall health, while consuming a half-cup of yogurt daily can help regulate yeast levels. However, while natural remedies can offer relief for vaginal infections, it's crucial to seek professional medical advice for proper diagnosis and treatment.

closeup photo of woman wearing black framed eyeglasses
closeup photo of woman wearing black framed eyeglasses
How to prevent a vaginal infection

Preventing vaginal infections involves good hygiene, such as washing with mild soap and water and wearing breathable cotton underwear. Safe sex practices and avoiding tight clothing also help reduce the risk. Limiting douching, staying hydrated, and managing chronic conditions are additional steps for maintaining vaginal health.

What are the differences between yeast infections, bacterial vaginosis, and other types of vaginal infections?

Bacterial vaginosis (BV) and yeast infections present with distinct symptoms. BV may cause white, gray, or green vaginal discharge with a strong fish-like odor, along with vaginal itching and discomfort during urination. In contrast, yeast infections typically manifest with lumpy, white discharge resembling cottage cheese, accompanied by itching, burning, and redness in the vaginal area.

a woman sitting on a white bench smiling
a woman sitting on a white bench smiling
How does Selva´s kit work?

Selva operates as a convenient 2-in-1 colorimetric test for vaginal infections. The user inserts a "stick" into the vaginal canal, which comes into contact with their discharge. Within seconds, the stick undergoes a color change. Depending on the observed colors, the test results can indicate a positive or negative outcome for a yeast infection. This rapid and straightforward process enables users to quickly assess their vaginal health in the comfort of their own homes.

smiling woman wearing turban
smiling woman wearing turban
Can I use Selva's test kit if I'm pregnant or breastfeeding?

Yes, you can use Selva's test kit if you're pregnant or breastfeeding. In fact, pregnancy and hormonal changes can sometimes disrupt the balance of yeast and bacteria in the vagina, leading to infections. However, it's important to note that if you're on your period, the color change on the test stick may not be visible due to the presence of menstrual blood. Additionally, if it's your first time experiencing symptoms of an infection, it's advisable to consult a doctor for proper evaluation and treatment.

smirking woman wearing red and black checkered top and eyeglasses
smirking woman wearing red and black checkered top and eyeglasses
Can Selva's test kit detect all types of vaginal infections?

Selva's test kit is designed to screen for various aspects of vaginal health. It provides information on the pH level of the vaginal environment and the presence or absence of bacteria. This comprehensive analysis allows users to differentiate between different types of vaginal infections. For example, it can help determine whether symptoms are indicative of a yeast infection or caused by other factors such as bacterial imbalances or the presence of Trichomonas.